Valeriya Mykhailivna Nichyk



scholasticism, value system, interfaith dialogue, faith sensation, moral theology, mystic, rationalism, identity, concept of state and law


The article is devoted to analysis of the scientific heritage of Professor Valeria Nichyk, the well- known philosopher, Doctor of sciences (philosophy), whose scientific activity has left a significant trace in the intellectual history of the modern Ukraine. She is the author of about 150 scientific publications, the Honored Scientist of Ukraine and the laureate of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi award of the National Academy of Sciences. The article focuses on V. Nichyk`s organizational and scientific research achievements such as organization of labor in putting into scientific analysis and translation from Latin of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy philosophical courses, the study of intellectual heritage of Theophan Prokopovych, Petro Mohyla, Hryhorii Skovoroda and the Reformational and Renaissance humanistic ideas in creative work of scientists from fraternal schools. In addition, V. Nichyk`s contribution to the investigation of the political and legal ideas to the Ukrainian thought of the 17th century and to elaboration of adequate methodological approaches to understanding the national early modern thought is carefully analyzed.

Author Biography

Yaroslava Stratii, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

сandidate of sciences in philosophy, senior research fellow. Academic interests: history of medieval and early modern philosophy


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How to Cite

Stratii, Y. (2017). Valeriya Mykhailivna Nichyk. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 74–91. Retrieved from



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