Gregory Skovoroda and the prefigural exegesis of Bible


  • Vitalii Shevchenko Інститут філософії НАН України


Bible, Skovoroda, symbolical and allegorical interpretation, prefigural exegesis


The Holy Scripture, the God and the eternal constituted the dominant of Skovoroda`s thinking about the essential and the profane, the good and the evil, life and death. To overcome the difficulties of interpretation of the Biblical texts the thinker chose such method of hermeneutics of the Holy Scripture as the symbolical allegoric way of interpretation. Pointing to “figurative” discrepancy between the descriptions of the Bible and the laws of “blessed nature”, Skovoroda differentiated the eternal Word of the God and its distorted sense, the visible and the invisible, the rational and the absurd, the historical and the allegorical, the external and the internal, in other words he saw in the Bible on the one hand, the book of the texts which were not understood in adequate way and on the other hand, the sacred Word inspired by God.

Author Biography

Vitalii Shevchenko, Інститут філософії НАН України

доктор філософських наук, провідний науковий співробітник відділення релігієзнавства


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, V. (2017). Gregory Skovoroda and the prefigural exegesis of Bible. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 98–109. Retrieved from



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