Social hermeneutics on-line


  • Kateryna Batayeva Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»


digital hermeneutics, hermeneutic network, linking of horizons, cyber-text


Social hermeneutics on-line is a type of digital hermeneutics (R.Capurro) that studies electronic texts as special manifestations of social actions (social actions and interactions). Digital hermeneutics has to analyze (understand and interpret) not only influence of cyber-communication on real social life (and not only inverse influence of real sociality of virtual one), but also the process of cyber-text forming, the context of forming special forms of electronic sign reality, the content of cyber-messages that require special conditions of understanding, explanation and interpreting. In digital hermeneutics, deconstruction of main settings and concepts of classical philosophic hermeneutics is performed (as “hermeneutic circle”, “fusion of horizons”, temporal distance, etc.) and, instead, new concepts as “hermeneutic network”, “linking of horizons” are introduced. In social hermeneutics on-line the cyber-text interpreter gets new “functions”, he/she has to be engaged not only in text understanding/explanation/interpreting, but also to participate in creation of “switched-on observation” situation. The main methods of social hermeneutics on-line are discourse-analysis, phenomenological, ethno-methodological, structural, prospective and iconographic approaches.

Author Biography

Kateryna Batayeva, Харківський гуманітарний університет «Народна українська академія»

кандидат філософських наук, доцент кафедри соціології


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How to Cite

Batayeva, K. (2017). Social hermeneutics on-line. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 103–117. Retrieved from



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