Соrnelius Castoriadis and Vіncent Desсombes: two concepts of political modernity


  • Philippe de Lara Сорбона


conditions of political judgment, social and political ontology, individual’s autonomy, policy of identities, dilemma of political modernity


In the author’s opinion Соrnelius Castoriadis and Vіncent Desсombes propose two different concepts of political modernity. Castoriadis and Desсombes are made related in political philosophy by their insensitiveness to temptations of decisionism as well as to temptations of individualist’s rationalism, i.e. to the position-of-strength policy and to position-of-morals policy. For Castoriadis the Greek democracy is a “tragic regime” which personifies true policy. Castoriadis comprehends policy as deliberate collective activities which appear since the time when the question of law efficiency and value was raised. This precisely personifies “true policy” for him, the policy which is both creative and selfrestricted; that is why it is tragic. For Descombes policy is the “architectonic art”, that is practice which defines true place for other practices, proceeding from their significance and their function as a whole. At the same time policy is thus something restricted, that is relative.

Author Biography

Philippe de Lara, Сорбона

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Castoriadis C. La polis Grecque et la Creation de la Democratie // Domaines de l’homme. — S.l., 1986.

Castoriadis C. La Montée de l’insignifiance. — S.l., 1995.

Сastoriadis C. L’Etat du sujet aujourd’hui // Le Monde morcelé. — S.l., 1990.

Castoriadis C. Le Monde morcelé. — S.l., 1990.

Descombes V. Phіlosophіe par gros temps. — Paris, 1989.

Descombes V. Philosophie du jugement politique. — Paris, 2008.

Descombes V. Le raisonnement de l’ours et autres essais de philosophie pratique. — Paris, 2007.

Dumont L. Homo aequalis. — Paris, 1977.


Abstract views: 281



How to Cite

de Lara, P. (2017). Соrnelius Castoriadis and Vіncent Desсombes: two concepts of political modernity. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 36–40. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/229



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