Europeans’ astonishment


  • Paul Thіbauld


theological/political, nation formation, “European concept”, institutionalization, meta-national political life


The author starts his reasoning from the appeal to historical tradition to which both France and Ukraine as European cultures belong each in its own way. He further analyzes the results of institutionalization which has today united in European Union 47 nations – from Lithuania to Ireland and from Switzerland to Malta. In conclusion the author makes an attempt to find out on which principles the cause of European nations integration may be continued with adaptation to new conditions. The author believes that in the present day sense to become the European means to become the organization member. He sees the history of Europe as the history of nation formation. In the author’s opinion Europe can become the political integrity, if the nations populating it will take part in the discussion of these problems together.

Author Biography

Paul Thіbauld

французький інтелектуал та журналіст, відомий як головний редактор одного з провідних французьких часописів ESPRIT (1977—1989)


Abstract views: 267



How to Cite

Thіbauld P. (2017). Europeans’ astonishment. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 62–73. Retrieved from



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