Genealogy of power “assemblages” by Latour and Foucault


  • Mstyslav Kazakov National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


actor-network theory, biopolitics, governmentality, association, archaeology, genealogy, Foucault, Latour, social theory


The paper continues the author’s research of genealogy of actor-network theory and its connection with social and political philosophy of Michel Foucault. Basing on general representation of “hereditary” relation of the two models of research and explanation of social reality, the hermeneutic exposition of understanding of the phenomenon of power through the conception of “assemblages” in ANT is made. The genetic connection of exten sions (referents) of Latour’s and Foucault’s ideas is demonstrated. Methodologically, the paper is based on the comparative analysis of social theories in the discourse of modern socio-humanitarian studies, as well as hermeneutic approach to the historical-philosophical ideas of ANT. It is claimed, that, in spite of intentions diversity (particularly, connected with the absence of the concept “assemblage” in Foucault’s  philosophy), the genealogy and archaeology of power of Foucault genetically precedes epistemic, social and political implications of the intention of “assemblage”, which is used in Latour’s philosophy of social. The main thesis, which is common for both theories, postulates the idea, according to which, the power did not emerge “unexpectedly” and did not exist as a kind of transcendental reality, independent of individual. Contrary to such a way of interpretation of social reality, the gradual, “step-by-step” character of power formation on a crossing of social assemblages and their re-assembling, through the transgression of social formations and alteration of “social body” is justified.

Author Biography

Mstyslav Kazakov, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

candidate of sciences in philosophy, lecturer at the Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Kazakov, M. (2018). Genealogy of power “assemblages” by Latour and Foucault. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 66–80. Retrieved from



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