Two Phenomenologies and Two French Traditions of Existential Philosophy


  • Anastasiia Zinevych H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


intentionality, existential turn, spatial thinking, temporality, existential reduction, involvement


This work is an attempt of comparative analysis of two phenomenologies: the phenomenology of E. Husserl and the phenomenology of E. Minkowski and G. Marcel. Two different origins of those phenomenologies are described: the Neo-Kantian and Cartesian origins of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology and Bergsonian origin of Eugene Minkowski’s and Gabriel Marcel’s phenomenology. The differences in the task, which phenomenologists of two directions had set are marked. The phenomenological ideas of G. Marcel, which were developing in collaboration with E. Minkowski and his tern to the existential issues are presented. A new term: the “existential reduction” is introduced to indicate the differences in the way G. Marcel uses phenomenological abstention.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Zinevych, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

M.S. in psychological sciences, graduate of the International Institute of Existential Consultancy (MIEK), PhD candidat, Department of history of foreign philosophy. Academic interests: existential philosophy, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology


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How to Cite

Zinevych, A. (2018). Two Phenomenologies and Two French Traditions of Existential Philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 76–89. Retrieved from



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