Strategic Action and Genesis of "Hybrid War"


  • Oleksandr Polischuk


phenomenon of war, hybrid war, theory of communicative action, strategic action, networkcentric warfare


The article studies how did such special type of war phenomenon known as a “hybrid war” appeared. Studying evolution of war as a natural phenomenon and its philosophical perception at the different stages of historical development of the mankind the author comes to a conclusion that practical solution for the security dilemma as one of the key concepts of modern theory of international relations is impossible. Sharing philosophical ideas of Ju|rgen Habermas the author further develops the elements of his Theory of communicative action and studies modern war as an art of strategic action aimed at deformation of real life picture in order to distort its true motives.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Polischuk

Master of Public Administration in the field of National Security, Graduate from the Royal College of Defense Studies (UK, 2010) and the Netherlands Defense College (The IDL,Rijswijk, 1998)), Postgraduate Student at the National Institute for Strategic Studies.


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How to Cite

Polischuk, O. (2018). Strategic Action and Genesis of "Hybrid War". Filosofska Dumka, (2), 98–114. Retrieved from



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