God and Necessity: the notion of the necessary in Aristotle and Anselm of Canterbury


  • Rostyslav Tkachenko Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven, Belgium


Aristotle, Anselm of Canterbury, necessity, chance, free choice, determinism, ancient Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, scholasticism


The given article seeks to offer a comparative analysis of the initial Aristotelian philosophy of necessity as expressed in De interpretatione ІХ and the earliest scholastic rendering of this concept as expressed in Anselm of Canterbury’s De concordia I. The double goal in view is an attempt at sketching the early medieval version of the post-Aristotelian interpretation of the notion of the necessary and, specifically, the outlining of the most crucial linguistical and conceptual changes and innovations offered by this version offered. Thus, the study is focused on analysis and further comparison of Aristotle’s language and ideas pertaining to the subject with those of Anselm, which in the end allows to trace some lines of continuity, as well as points of divergence, between the two thinkers. Its value, then, consists of a contribution to the rethinking of the image of Aristoteles latinus and the deeper understanding of the early scholastic philosophical theology.

Author Biography

Rostyslav Tkachenko, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven, Belgium

Th.M., Ph.D. candidate


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, R. (2017). God and Necessity: the notion of the necessary in Aristotle and Anselm of Canterbury. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 56–64. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/37






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