Anatolii Akhutin. Heidegger: the case of philosophy




Heidegger, phenomenology, Jewry, Nazism, European Philosophy


The name of M. Heidegger is associated with a serious scandal in modern philosophy. This person, who is recognized as the greatest philosopher of the 20th century, turned out to be a staunch opponent of "world Jewry" and a supporter of the "National Socialist Revolution." Are these odious beliefs: a trait of his personalities, his ideological conformism? Or are they organically woven into his philosophy? Heidegger's philosophy is deeply rooted in the very center of European philosophy. And it attracts all of its history, classical ideas and concepts in the course of its thought. Heidegger "introduces Nazism into philosophy”, but is not this dangerous possibility hidden in the bowels of philosophy itself? What is M. Heidegger as the case of philosophy itself?

In this article, the author describes the contexts in which the case - the case, the fall, even the collapse - of Heidegger becomes philosophically significant. Appealing to the concept of the late Heidegger das Ereignis (event), it is actualized that philosophical thought, understood as the experience of being, belongs to the contemporary and here relates to all such a whim of the experience of the modern. It is a paradoxical combination of boundary involvement in what is happening and boundary abstraction. Thus, the purity of the article is devoted to the analysis of the events of the early twentieth century, mainly in the intellectual context.

The author then turns to Heidegger's philosophy, analyzing the following key points: the phenomenological turn of philosophy and its ontological deepening by Heidegger, the destruction of Kantian criticism and Cartesian double-substance; elimination of abstract reflection.

Finally, the author argues in detail why, in his view, the philosophically necessary course of Heidegger's thoughts and the paths echoed by his own course of this authoritarian personality coincide.

Author Biography

Anatolii Akhutin

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Translator, full-time author of the Journal “Philosophical Thought”, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 01001.


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Abstract views: 403



How to Cite

Akhutin, A. (2020). Anatolii Akhutin. Heidegger: the case of philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 26–36.



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