Vitalii Turenko. Classical reception studies: from philosophical texts to applied Classics





classical reception studies, ancient philosophy, methods of research, applied Classics


The author analyzes the role and significance of the new scientific area within the Ancient philosophy studies, named Classical Reception Studies. This area manifests itself as a reconceptualization of Antic Studies and therefore is as an interdisciplinary field, which focuses on the study of the receptions of Antiquity.  This area is specific in its sphere of interest – not only philosophical heritage of a certain period, but also literary, historical and other sources.

Such aspect of classical reception studies are important as it contributes to thorough and fundamental studies of the history of Ukrainian philosophy because the ancient philosophical heritage was at the center of reflections on Ukrainian philosophy from Kievan Rus' to the present day. Therefore, we see the importance of domestic scientific studies devoted to the study of the receptions of antiquity in general and in the history of Ukrainian philosophy in particular. The latter can help to more understand the specifics of the formation and development of the philosophical tradition in Ukraine.

Classical reception studies can be a specific historical and philosophical method of research of ancient philosophical heritage, along with other methods such as doxography, rational and historical reconstruction, etc. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it can incorporate elements of doxography, as well as rational reconstruction or other historical and philosophical methods alone or together

The author argues that in the context of classical reception studies, ancient philosophical texts can become a basis for solving contemporary global or local problems and issues of humanity (political, social, cultural, etc.). The potential of ancient texts and fragments (including philosophical ones) is important not only for understanding the past, but also in relation to the developments of society in the present.

Author Biography

Vitalii Turenko

PhD, Junior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,

60, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv, 01033


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Abstract views: 827



How to Cite

Turenko, V. (2020). Vitalii Turenko. Classical reception studies: from philosophical texts to applied Classics: THE PHENOMENON OF RECEPTION IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 37–45.






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