Iryna Valiavko. S. Freud and psychoanalysis in Ukraine (first half of 20th century)





S. Freud, psychoanalytic movement, periods and centres of development of psychoanalysis in Ukraine, Freudian-Marxism, applied psychoanalysis, , continuity of ideas, Ukrainian psychoanalysis


The article examines the history of the development and perception of S. Freud's concepts in Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century. The author notes that the history of psychoanalysis has been removed from our historical and cultural memory for many years, and the works of Ukrainian psychoanalysts in the Soviet era have entirely fallen out of scientific circulation. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, psychoanalysis started developing quite successfully in Ukraine and had prospects for further development and deepening. The author examines four main centres for the spread of psychoanalysis in Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century: Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv and Lviv and highlights their peculiarities. It also analyzes four periods of the spread and development of psychoanalysis on the territory of Ukraine: 1. The perception and spread of psychoanalysis (1900-1917); 2. Creative development and rethinking of psychoanalysis in Ukraine (20s-early 30s); 3. Criticism and Prohibition of Psychoanalysis (the 30s); 4. The underground or "latent" period of psychoanalysis (30-50's). In conclusion, the author states that theoretical ideas of psychoanalysis have received their recognition and understanding and can be considered as a phenomenon of Ukrainian cultural and national life. Among our pioneer psychoanalysts, there were quite a lot of talented scientist and practicing psychiatrists, writers, and artists who left us their creative, scientific, archival heritage to be studied, analyzed and introduced into modern psychoanalytic discourse. The works of Ivan Franko, Stepan Balei, Valerian Pidmohylnyi, Yakim Yarema, Selvestr Haievskyi, Abram Khaletskii, Yakiv Kogan show us the beginning of the development of Ukrainian psychoanalysis, the beginning of creative research and approach to the problem of the unconscious.

Author Biography

Iryna Valiavko

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of History of Philosophy in Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 02000


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How to Cite

Valiavko, I. (2020). Iryna Valiavko. S. Freud and psychoanalysis in Ukraine (first half of 20th century): THE PHENOMENON OF RECEPTION IN THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 65–85.






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