Modern tendencies of development of English-language hermeneutic tradition



  • Viacheslav Zagorodniuk


hermeneutics, interpretation, critical hermeneutics, metaphysics, hermeneutical circle


The article is dedicated to the modern tendencies in English-language hermeneutical the-ory. There were defined some special traits of that theory and differences between that one and German tradition. Practical orientation, pragmatism, antimetaphysical orientations are among those traits. Also, there were investigated such phenomenon, as hermeneutic is coming out of traditional borders of philosophy and going to the domain of practical sci-ences. As like system analyses, medicine, design. One of the main problems of such outgo-ing is that researches in non-philosophical sciences are not so familiar with the concep-tions of M. Heidegger, H-G. Gadamer. For example, they are developing the hermeneuti-cal circle without understanding it clearly.Brief review of existing hermeneutical conceptions was done on the purpose of pos-sibility of developing hermeneutics to practical sciences. There were highlighted three directions of hermeneutical thought: hermeneutical theory, hermeneutical philosophy and critical hermeneutics. With the assistance of works written by J. Bleicher and E. Hirsch, it was determined that critical theory has a huge potential in practical sciences. The benefits of that theory are lightness in perception and ethical orientation.

Author Biography

Viacheslav Zagorodniuk

Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Assistent at the Chair of Uk- rainian Philosophy and Culture, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University.


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How to Cite

Zagorodniuk, V. (2020). Modern tendencies of development of English-language hermeneutic tradition: MODERN HUMANITARISTICS. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 105–114. Retrieved from



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