“STEPPE HELLAS": the problem of Ukrainian national philosophy in the perspective of antique studies






antiquity, classics, philosophy in the contemporary world, philosophy in public space, science, Ukrainian philosophy


The article considers the impact which can be given to contemporary philosophical discourse globally and particularly in Ukraine, by deepening the studies on Ancient Greece and Rome philosophy and culture. According to the author, the classics are a fundamental basis that unites all world philosophies into one philosophy and at the same time offers a model for the role of a real philosopher. On this basis, the author tries to sketch out some points, from which one can start in defining what a philosopher’s stance can be in the contemporary VUCA world, and then, what implications it might have on Ukrainian philosophy.

Author Biography

Wolodymyr Wolkowski

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Research Fellow at the Department of History of Philosophy of Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 01001


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Abstract views: 253



How to Cite

Wolkowski, W. (2020). “STEPPE HELLAS": the problem of Ukrainian national philosophy in the perspective of antique studies: Essays. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 29–38. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2020.04.029






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