



German idealism, Hegel, Hölderlin, philosophy, education, freedom, renewal, concept, reason, Ukrainian society


The article represents the explication of some Hegel’s ideas with coherence to Hlderlin’s phi- losophical reflections, all of which are dealing with the problem of making more significant the philosophy for the social life especially in the period of the national self-statement and radical cultural transformations on the crossing of the XVIII-th and XIX-th centuries. The communi- cation between Hegel and Hlderlin shows the different ways of making philosophy more avail- able for lower classes of population. Hlderlin’s considering on this problem was to make philo- sophical thinking more sensuous through its transforming into a new rational religion. Hegel perceived solving of this problem in education and teaching without reducing standards of phi- losophy as a science. The university philosophy with its abstract concepts and systems was crit- icized by Hlderlin and accepted by Hegel, because his aim was to activate the social and ori- entation functions of philosophical ideas. The popular philosophy with its metaphorical lan- guage was regarded by him as preparing for fundamental philosophical studies. The role of the philosophical lyric in the evolution of German Idealism is analyzed with its impulses for the renewal of philosophical thinking. Hegel shows some risks of symbiosis of the lyric and philo- sophy such as losing its freedom and turning into a new mythology with eclipse of reason. Hegel emphasizes the role of the grammar of philosophical thinking: its concepts and categories. The dia- lectical potential of concepts is illustrated on their cunning possibility what might be regarded as opening of closed systems. The adaptation possibilities of this theoretical and practical experience to the Ukrainian social and cultural contexts are regarded. Hegel’s interpretation of the dialec- tical interconnection existing between the philosophical creativity and the philosophical educa- tion for the foundation of the philosophical inquiring culture are actual today as well his demand to search for the truth. The causes for explaining Hegel’s intuitions about the concept’s and reason’s cunning are stating in their validity for developing strategies and practices of the spiritual renewal of the Ukrainian society.

Author Biography

Maria Kultaieva

Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member, NAPU, Head of the Department of Philosophy, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 29b, Alchevskykh St., Kharkiv, 61000


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How to Cite

Kultaieva, M. (2021). HEGEL, HÖLDERLIN AND WE, THE UKRAINIANS, OR: IS IT WORSE TO ACCEPT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GERMAN IDEALISM? . Filosofska Dumka, (2), 99–113. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2021.02.099






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