Overlapping consensus in the space of public morality (on John Rawls’s political constructivism)






overlapping consensus, well-ordered society, public morality, background culture, moral minimalism


The article is focused on the overlapping consensus model in the space of public morality and possibilities of its practical realization for the development of public consent. In his search for reliable arrangement of public unity John Rawls defines comprehensive moral doctrines and political doctrines as beliefs within private and public spheres, respectively. Overlapping consensus provides public consent in the public space (concerning political doctrines), beyond beliefs of private sphere (comprehensive moral doctrines). Moral values of overlapping consensus form the sphere of public morality, effective in definite historic democratic society. Rawls called it a well-ordered society. Definite historic character of a well-ordered society is predetermined by corresponding background culture. The latter can be implied as the experience of citizenship, conditioned by peculiarities of social insti- tutions of Modernity. It is immediate immanent axiological accompaniment of the public life, background one concerning explicit ethical normative programs and strategies of acting by individuals in public life, directed on optimization of public interaction. Moral values within overlapping consensus are minimalistic (because of their set able to unite all mem- bers of a society is the basic one for all of them, irrespectively to their comprehensive moral doctrines, i.e. poor in content, laconic one), contextual (module/ flexible, relevant to public spiritual requests, transforming during the search for integrity minimum) and uni- versal in their imperative power. Overlapping consensus makes impossible transformation of any comprehensive moral doctrine into the regulative idea of public life and set formal horizontal social interaction, which is corrected in real time mode.

Author Biography

Mariya Rogozha

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska St., Kyiv, 01601 


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How to Cite

Rogozha, M. (2022). Overlapping consensus in the space of public morality (on John Rawls’s political constructivism): JOHN RAWLS’S POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY . Filosofska Dumka, (1), 51–67. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2022.01.051






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