Sense-of-life universum of Serhii Krymskyi


  • Taras Lyuty National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”


logic, methodology, philosophy of science, worldview context, culture phenomenon, sense-of-life universum


The biographic essay id dedicated to Serhii Krymskyi (1930-2010), a distinguished figure in the history of philosophy in Ukraine. The author follows the path of this uncommon man from the birth in the settlement of Bakhmut and studying at philosophical faculty of Kyiv university, experience of script writer at Kyiv film studio and first philosophic acquisitions in the field of logic, methodology and philosophy of science and to the last days full of the work of thought and communication with friends and colleagues. Research of scientific knowledge in the light of worldview contexts and development of the problems of philosophy were special stages in intellectual biography of the philosopher. Serhiyi Krymskyi stated that culture always helped to find the way from catastrophes in the history of mankind.

Author Biography

Taras Lyuty, National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”

doctor of science in philosophy, assistant professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religion Study


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Sergei Krymsky: nash razgovor dlinoiu v zhizn’ [Sergei Krymskyi: our life-long conversation] (tsykl intervyu T.A. Chaiki) (2012). Kyiv, Ukraine.

Tabachkovskyi, V. (2002). Sofiina noosfernist’ personalnoho universumu (Serhii Krymskyi) [Sophistic noosphericity of personal universum (Serhii Krymskyi)]. In: In search for unlost time. Essays on creative legacy of Ukrainian philosophers of the sixties. Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 164–177.


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How to Cite

Lyuty, T. (2017). Sense-of-life universum of Serhii Krymskyi. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 122–129. Retrieved from



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