The proof-structure of the transcendental deduction of categories



category, transcendental deduction, proof-structure, object, experience, cognition, thinking


The article is devoted to research of the proof-structure of Kant’s transcendental deduction. Three steps in the proof-structure of the transcendental deduction of categories are substantiated in the article: (1) explanation of the possibility to think of an object as such, (2) explanation of the possibility to cognize the empiric object, (3) explanation of the possibility of the empiric object as the possibility of object experience.

Author Biography

Yurii Fedorchenko, independent educational consultant

PhD in philosophy


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Abstract views: 262



How to Cite

Fedorchenko, Y. (2017). The proof-structure of the transcendental deduction of categories. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 39–49. Retrieved from



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