How to answer the main question of the intelligentsia?


  • Andrii Bogachov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


freedom, domination, moral dignity, civil society, state


The author asserts that the question is what should be done to protect the freedom and moral dignity in circumstances of conflict with unlawful power? Answering this question, he defines following conditions of freedom and dignity: 1) material (negative and positive), 2) rational, 3) social. The author focuses on 1) interpretation of Kant’s categorical imperative as a principle of individual freedom as well as 2) application of the categorical imperative to solve the problem of conflict with unfair state institutions. The paper argues that the categorical imperative implies not only a personal-value aspect of freedom, but also a social-value one.

Author Biography

Andrii Bogachov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 345



How to Cite

Bogachov, A. (2017). How to answer the main question of the intelligentsia?. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 77–89. Retrieved from



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