The hermeneutic approach in philosophy


  • Andrii Bogachov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


hermeneutics, metaphysics, being, phenomenon, essence


The paper is focused on some basic issues of philosophy. In the first part, the author proposes a comparison between metaphysical and hermeneutic paradigms. He shows that modern natural philosophy and science accept the metaphysical paradigm of representation. The false implications of this paradigm are universal subordination (hierarchy of being), fundamentalism and progress. On the contrary, the convincing implications of the hermeneutic paradigm of communication are coordination between the spheres of being, application of truth and the hermeneutic circle. In the second part, the author defines the principles of philosophical hermeneutics as the post-metaphysical ontology, and pays special attention to the concept of phenomenon.

Author Biography

Andrii Bogachov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, associate professor of the Philosophy Department


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Abstract views: 291



How to Cite

Bogachov, A. (2017). The hermeneutic approach in philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 41–50. Retrieved from



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