Fate of scientific schools in modern Ukrainian philosophy in the light of change of philosophic generations
scientific school, philosophy school, “Kyiv Philosophical School”, Institute of Phi losophy, universities, philosophic generations, philosophic societies, type of scientific schoolsAbstract
The paper is dedicated to determining the essence of a philosophical school as a scientific one on the example of consideration of the “Kyiv Philosophical School”. The author reveals the major philosophic generations in formation of this school and their relations with different types of organization of the philosophic community in Kyiv. The scientific school is considered as that which may have various types of its embodiment: consequently traditional, modern and post-modern. A success of each next type depends on the extent of mastering the achievements of the previous one. From this point of view the “Kyiv Philosophical School” is in the state of crisis in connection with hypertrophy of its postmodern displays and lack of modern and, especially, traditional ones. In particular, organizational relations of the Institute of Philosophy with the basic centers of philosophic education in Kyiv are to become stronger.
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