


discourse, education, discursive social practices, non-discursive social practices, cognitive dimension of social communication, affective dimension of social communication, psychomotor dimen sion of social communication


The article is devoted to identifying the potential of using the results of the study of non-discur- sive social practices to understand the behavioral basis for the possible practical use of social theories. The example of the field of education focuses on the distinction between cognitive, af- fective and psychomotor dimensions of social communication. Assumptions have been made about the underestimation of the affective, and especially the psychomotor realm, to identify the resource and limits of discursive practices. Classical studies in educational psychology, primarily the works of Benjamin Bloom, David Krathwohl, Anita Harrow and their followers, are in- volved in philosophical analysis as its object. Educational practices are bodily practices no less than discursive ones. However, it is impossible to reduce these practices to the entering either to the self-sufficient universe of the text or into the self-sufficient universe of the body. The realm of the emotional serves as a link between the bodily and the cognitive, and applying to the emo- tional experience of values can be the best way to consolidate both bodily and cognitive practices. One of the important conclusions is the recognition not only of the relative autonomy of the cog- nitive, affective and psychomotor realms in the theoretical aspect, but also the identification of their practical interdependence. The sphere of education appears as a model for observing how a person masters the levels and, parallel and mutually determined, dimensions of the pyramids of the development of personal abilities. Achieving perfection by a person in one dimension is im- possible without the simultaneous development of his abilities in the other two. Discourse appears for the person as a situation in which he/she experiences the integral result of the development of his/her abilities in all three dimensions — cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Author Biography

Mykhailo Boichenko

professor of departments theoretical and practical philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01601, Kyiv, Vladimirskaya, 60


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