Identity: from phenomenology to ethics


  • Volodymyr Verloka


Ego, personality, self-certification, identity, temporality


Principles of formation of the notion of personality and certification of his/her identity in creative work of three outstanding philosophers of the 20th century: Husserl, Heidegger and Lévinas have been considered in the article. An attempt is made to demonstrate that, in spite of the gnosiological context, these searches had a pronounced ethical trend. Reinterpreting classical legacy, the Cartesian philosophy in particular, these authors have made a lot to inscribe it in the present context, both in its gnosiological and ethical dimension. The reincarnation of ideas of the human Ego as well as those paradoxes which arise in the process of how this Ego is given to itself in various situations have been considered in succession.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Verloka

кандидат філософських наук, літератор, перекладач


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Кебуладзе В. Феноменологія досвіду. — К.: Дух і літера. 2011. — 280 с.

Левинас Э. Тотальность и бесконечное. — М.; СПб.: Университетская книга, 2000. — 416 с.

Левинас Э. Трудная свобода. — Москва: РОССПЭН, 2008. — 752 с.

Рено А. Эра индивида. К истории субъективности. — СПб.: Владимир Даль, 2002. — 721 с.

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Abstract views: 254



How to Cite

Verloka, V. (2017). Identity: from phenomenology to ethics. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 89–103. Retrieved from



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