The Scientific School "The History of Philosophical Thought of Belarus"(Genealogy of the Soviet period).


  • Valery Yevarouski Інститут філософії НАН Білорусі


scientific school of historical-philosophical studies in Belarus, philosophical thought of Belarus, Belarusian historiography, national philosophical culture, diatribic tradition


The paper describes the structure, background, as well as the historical formation of the national school of the history of philosophy in Belarus of the Soviet period. The content of knowledge acquired within this school, as well as its relationship with the general philosophical background of the epoch are analyzed. Special attention is given to the influence of the diatribic tradition on the writing of the national history of philosophy. In this regard, we consider relations between the over-all concept of Marxism-Leninism and its specific explications in the construction of the national historical and philosophical discourse in Belarus.

Author Biography

Valery Yevarouski, Інститут філософії НАН Білорусі

кандидат філософських наук, завідувач Центру історико-філософських та компаративних досліджень


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How to Cite

Yevarouski, V. (2017). The Scientific School "The History of Philosophical Thought of Belarus"(Genealogy of the Soviet period). Filosofska Dumka, (1), 37–47. Retrieved from



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