The theory of meaning: to be or to have


  • Myroslav Popovich Інститут філософії ім. Г.С. Сковороди (директор)


to be, to have, semantics of natural language, language consciousness, transition from active language system to nominative


The author concentrates attention on the terms to be and to have as language phenomena and searches for such a definition which had the strict logical sense beyond the ethical and philosophical niceties. In this connection semantics of political judgments proposed by Vincent Descombes is of great interest. The appeal to semantics of natural language and creation of new methods of estimation and measuring for communication systems, for which cognitive estimations are not relevant, makes us to reconsider the character of notions specification in formalized systems.
Comprehension of difference between to be and to have in the context of semantics of natural language brings us to fundamental changes in language consciousness — the transition from active language system to nominative one. Formation of language ways of special imagination of to have in collective consciousness, which is reflected in the subject-object opposition, evidences for the essential step in development of cognitive abilities of a man compared with the situation of to be.

Author Biography

Myroslav Popovich, Інститут філософії ім. Г.С. Сковороди (директор)

академік, Національної академії наук України, головний редактор часопису «Філософська думка»


Давыдов Ю. Труд и свобода. — М., 1962.

Климов Г.А. Очерк общей теории эргативности. — М., 1973.


Abstract views: 284



How to Cite

Popovich, M. (2017). The theory of meaning: to be or to have. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 74–80. Retrieved from



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