Vadym Ivanov: Ontology of Soviet Marxism (Article 2)



late Soviet Marxism, immanent criticism of Marxism philosophy, metaphysics, “social a priori” of Vadym Ivanov


A series of questions which late Soviet Marxism just tried to answer was as follows: which are human’s notions, his “being for himself”, his subjectivity; what is essence of activities, what is the world, or has it to be, what is being? Vadym Ivanov has given one of the most profound answers to these questions in the framework of late Soviet practice of Marxist philosophy. Meditating in the tradition of so-called activity approach, the philosopher concludes: the historical origin of a man and human history is a “timeless peculiarity” that defines criteria of humaneness in evolution between “still” an anthropoid and “already” a man. Ivanov is originally constructing philosophy of inexplicit material; this philosophy metaphysics rest on the admission of communal organization as a special existence of a man — the latest principle of creating a human sense and subject relations in the world.

Author Biography

Yevhen Bystrytsky, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

doctor of sciences in philosophy, Head of the Department of the Philosophy of Culture, Ethics and Esthetics. Executive Di rector of International Renaissance Foundation. Scientific interests: theory of philosophy and philo sophical hermeneutics, theory of knowledge, philosophy of culture, political philosophy.


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How to Cite

Bystrytsky, Y. (2017). Vadym Ivanov: Ontology of Soviet Marxism (Article 2). Filosofska Dumka, (1), 57–65. Retrieved from



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