Economy as the subject of analysis in the contemporary practical philosophy


  • Tamara Yashchuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


production, globalization, economy, human capital, post-industrial society, information society, post-capitalist civilization, technological structure, philosophy of economy


Attempts to find out new fundamental principles of worldview which would correspond to new challenges the mankind had faced, proved to be in trend in philosophy of XX century. This had obliged us to take a fresh look at the practical philosophy reconsidering its actuality, widening the object field, renovating the conceptual framework and research methodology. One of the areas of practical philosophy which becomes increasingly important at the end of XX — beginning of XXI century concerns reflection on economic activity and caused a growth of interest in such important area of practical philosophy as philosophy of economy. This paper attempts to outline basic changes in disciplinary content of practical philosophy, notably philosophy of economy, which are driven by new realities, such as new technological structures or globalization, as well as increasing role of such factors of economic activity as human and social capital, social networks etc.

Author Biography

Tamara Yashchuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

doctor of philosophical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

Yashchuk, T. (2017). Economy as the subject of analysis in the contemporary practical philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 24–40. Retrieved from






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