On the Phenomenology of Natural Science



phenomenology, natural science, naturalism, materialism, phenomenological constitution, mathematical construction, Edmund Husserl, Oskar Becker


An attempt of Oscar Becker, an Edmund Husserl’s student and mathematician, of the phenomenological substantiation of the classical and non-classical (Einsteinian) physics and physical applications of geometry is the focus of interest of this article. Becker carried through his attempt basing on Husserl’s thorough analysis of the phenomenological constitution of material nature (published in Ideen II), as well as his general method of phenomenological clarification of scientific concepts and statements (set forth in Ideen III), which are also examined by the author of the article. The article purpose is to demonstrate how the implicit statements of the fundamental nature constitute a part of the system of knowledge in natural sciences and how these statements are subject to phenomenological clarification.

Author Biography

Andrii Vakhtel, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

master of philosophy, postgraduate student. Sphere of research: phenomenology, epistemology, problems of philosophical translation


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How to Cite

Vakhtel, A. (2018). On the Phenomenology of Natural Science. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 61–75. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/301



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