Revolution of Dignity within humanities in Ukraine



Revolution of Dignity, discourse of dignity, humanities, subject-object relation, subject, human rights, failed state


The article deals with the notion of dignity and its influence on humanities in Ukraine. The author suggests that Revolution of Dignity had a big impact on transformation of understanding
the relation between a human being and a state in Ukraine as well as under standing a human being with his/her inherent freedom, rights, and subjectivity. These concepts are very important for European Civilization since Renaissance and Age of En lightenment because they are derived from the central notion of the dignity of a human being and the human nature. Revolution of Dignity showed the rise of a subjectivity in Ukrainians, recognizing themselfs as the independent and free entities. It denied any form of authoritarian rule and therefore desacralized post-soviet state in Ukraine considered by Ukrainians as symbiosis of oligarchy, state bureaucracy and criminals. Revolution of Dignity formulated new understanding of the state, i.e. — that it exists for people and must respect people as the subject.

Author Biography

Ihor Karivets’, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor at Chair of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 359



How to Cite

Karivets’, I. (2018). Revolution of Dignity within humanities in Ukraine. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 99–110. Retrieved from



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