The Hierarchy of Realities in the Ontology of Conflict (to the philosophical analysis of Russian-Ukrainian conflict)


  • Kateryna Pryazhentseva National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


consensus, dialogue, conflict, civil society, the paradox of intersubjectivity, linguistic solipsism, the code of power


The paper presents an attempt to outline the methodological basis for current Russian-Ukrainian conflict analysis. The conflict is been analyzed within the frame of the contemporary philosophy which is based on phenomenological method of Edmund Husserl from one side and the perspective of linguistic turn initiated by Ludwig Wittgenstein from other side. Such approach presupposes that the international conflict is treated as a specific communicative situation, when social consensus and dissensus are the basic constituting elements of the process. In this context conflict could be rewritten in terms of contemporary philosophy as a bilateral process of creating discourse by society and constituting society by discourse.
The analysis of Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the context of contemporary philosophy is highly fruitful also for philosophy itself as soon as such a «clash» with reality is a test for its epistemological potential. As it was shown, the present analysis let us conclude the insufficiency of intersubjectivity paradigm and limitations of the concept of language as an ontological ground which can explain the dialectics of consensus and dissensus within the structure of international conflict. It is suggested that the problem of insufficiency of intersubjectivity paradigm could be solved by means of extralinguistic (i.e. laying beyond the border of the language) elements only, in particular, by means of the concept of power as a metalanguage which complete the concept of intersubjectivity and provides the sufficient ground for the explanation of international conflict architectonic.

Author Biography

Kateryna Pryazhentseva, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in philosophy, Center of Humanitarian Education


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How to Cite

Pryazhentseva, K. (2018). The Hierarchy of Realities in the Ontology of Conflict (to the philosophical analysis of Russian-Ukrainian conflict). Filosofska Dumka, (6), 111–120. Retrieved from



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