Concept dissipation of the “creative evolution”, or From the “driving force of fire” by Sadi Carnot to the “certain impetus” by Henri Bergson



Bergson, Carnot, driving force of fire, concept dissipation, concept branch, certain impetus, vital impetus


The article attempts to disrupt stereotyping of the Bergson’s concept elan vital  (vital impetus). It is shown that this term is just one of many other concept branches and it is a consequence of a so-called “concept dissipation”, as well as the effect of Bergson’s reactivation of the theory of “driving force of fire” by Sadi Carnot. It is emphasized that elan (including its aspect vital) concerns exclusively physical reality. It is proposed that conceptualization of the Bergson’s word-combination certain elan (certain impetus) is a potentially more explicit alternative to the stereotyped term elan vital which does not correspond to modern historical-philosophical tendencies.

Author Biography

Pavlo Bartusiak

PhD student at the Department of Philosophy, Vinnitsa National Technical University.


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How to Cite

Bartusiak, P. (2019). Concept dissipation of the “creative evolution”, or From the “driving force of fire” by Sadi Carnot to the “certain impetus” by Henri Bergson. Filosofska Dumka, (2), 82–96. Retrieved from



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