The problem of otherness: practical and theoretical aspects




integration, inclusive education, people with special needs, the public sphere of disability, ‘school of joy’


The essay is an attempt to describe the ‘different’ personal life experience of the author. The problems of inclusion in the Ukrainian society of the Soviet period are touched upon and positive examples of inclusion at the present stage of formation of the civil society are given. The question was raised about the need for a philosophical analysis of the formation and functioning of the ’public sphere of disability’, the role and place of disabled people in modern Ukrainian society, as well as the identification of key agents of discussion based on the classical communicative action model of Jürgen Habermas, in addiction to modern directions of development of this model. Vasil’ Sukhomlinskyi’s holistic pedagogical doctrine of the ‘School of Joy’ is considered as a field of activity for specialists in educational philosophy, practical and social philosophy in the light of the problems of integration and inclusion of people with special needs.

Author Biography

Farida Tykhomirova

doctoral candidate at the Department of Philosophy, Odessa National University, a member of the Supervisory Council of the “Cristal People” Endowment Fund.


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Abstract views: 570



How to Cite

Tykhomirova, F. (2019). The problem of otherness: practical and theoretical aspects. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 60–69.



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