"Otherness" in the social space of the city





philosophy of inclusion, universal design, abnormal physicality, otherness, disability studies


The article discusses the key stages of the development of ‘disability studies’. Public awareness of the problems of inclusion, as overcoming social inequality, is in the stage of formation in Ukraine and needs a socio-philosophical implementation. he main purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of social space of the city, which is convenient for the life of citizens with different set of opportunities, and the expediency of including disability as a social phenomenon in the broad philosophical context of study. The field of thinking about the city in the study is outlined in the following concepts: the right to the city, the urban space for human development, social communications and the just principles of being. It is important to understand the vector of the development of the socio-cultural field of the city in terms of overcoming the "soulless indifference" (bliss) and for the development of communication between the citizens. The novelty of the work is determined by the rationale for the transformation of traditional disability models in modern conditions of social development. The relevance of the study is associated with the complexity of the phenomenon of disability, insufficient knowledge of the factors and problems of inclusion of people with special needs in society. With the growing number of people with disabilities in society, the problem of developing a culture of disability becomes urgent, the low level of which should be considered a challenge. A culture of disability implies a mutual desire of people with disabilities and society to move towards each other. The practical aspect of the research is related to the need for change of social consciousness, inclusion of persons with disabilities in the social space, development of social competences of people with disabilities and transformation of these people from the object of social assistance into an active subject and participant of the processes taking place in society. , implementation of projects based on justice and citizenship.

Author Biography

Farida Tykhomirova

doctoral candidate at the Department of Philosophy, Odessa National University, a member of the Supervisory Council of the “Cristal People” Endowment Fund.


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How to Cite

Tykhomirova, F. (2020). "Otherness" in the social space of the city. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2019.05.103



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