Daryna Morozova.The Ukrainian chrysostome. St. Dymytrii Tuptalo and the Antiochian heritage






School of Antioch, Dymytriy Tuptalo, John Chrysostom, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Diodorus of Tarsus


The article reviews the assessment of the School of Antioch by the first Ukrainian hagiographer, St. Dymytriy Tuptalo. Methods: The comparative-historical methodology and, above all, the Tradition history method reveal not only explicit but also implicit links between Kyivan and Antiochian theology. Conclusions: Interpreting the 4th -5th-centuries theological collisions, Tuptalo consistently clung to the viewpoint of the School of Antioch, rejecting the accusals from the side of Alexandrian tradition. St. Dymytriy systematically reproduces in his Synaxarion the historical narratives of the Antiochians. An unequivocal indicator of Dymytriy’s position is his attitude to Antioch's most controversial figures: in particular, he enlists Theodoret of Cyrrhus among the "holy fathers" and mentions Diodorus of Tarsus among the "Church luminaries", along with other figures of the Meletian party. Such an independent evaluation of the Antiochian heritage is undoubtedly due to the concordance of the theological thinking of Dymytriy with the worldview of the Antiochians.

Author Biography

Daryna Morozova

candidate of culturology, doctoral student at National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv)


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Abstract views: 375



How to Cite

Morozova, D. (2020). Daryna Morozova.The Ukrainian chrysostome. St. Dymytrii Tuptalo and the Antiochian heritage: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. Filosofska Dumka, (1), 93–101. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2020.01.093



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