Religious and Philosophical Thought of Jīva Goswāmī in the Indological Literature of the 19th – the First Half of the 20th century (as an Example of the Orientalistic Stereotype)

Articles: The History of Philosophy



advaita, advaita-ved nta, J va Gosv m, monism, monistic, theism, theistic


The article deals with such influential Indological publications devoted to the history of Indian philosophy as: H. T. Colebrooke. “On the Philosophy of the Hindus” (1837),F.M.M ller.“TheSixSystemsofIndianPhilosophy”(1899),R.G.Bhandarkar. “Vai avism, aivism and Minor Religious Systems” (1913), S. Radhakrishnan. “Indian Philosophy” (Vol. 2, 1927), M. Hiriyanna “Outlines of Indian Philosophy” (1932), S. Chatterjee,Dh.Datta.“An Introduction to Indian Philosophy”(1939),S.Dasgupta.“A History of Indian Philosophy” (Vol. IV, 1949).

The analysis of those books shows that J va Gosw m ’s religious and philosophical thought, which was theistic, for a long time was either not reflected at all (e.g., Colebrooke, M ller, Hiriyanna, Chatterjee & Datta), or displayed very briefly (e.g., Bhandarkar, Rad- hakrishnan), or without proper assessment (e.g., Dasgupta). This particular case illustrates a general erroneous tendency in Indological studies of the 19th-the first half of the 20th century, according to which the Indian philosophy was considered, first of all, as monistic and impersonalized or advaitic. European Orientalists were at the root of this stereotype.

Author Biography

Yurii Zavhorodnii

Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), senior research worker of the Sector of the History of Eastern Philosophy at the Department of the History of Foreign Philosophy of H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine. Sphere of scientific interests — the history of Indian religious-philosophic thought, sacred texts, reception of Indian philosophy, traditionalism, altered states of consciousness (synchronicity), sacred geography.


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How to Cite

Zavhorodnii, Y. (2020). Religious and Philosophical Thought of Jīva Goswāmī in the Indological Literature of the 19th – the First Half of the 20th century (as an Example of the Orientalistic Stereotype): Articles: The History of Philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 21–34. Retrieved from






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