Concepts of Freedom in Philoso- phy of Sri Aurobindo

Articles: The History of Philosophy


  • Oleksandr Kihno


national liberation, social liberation, history, evolution, human cycle


The article is devoted to the analysis of philosophy of freedom, offered by the Indian phi- losopher Sri Aurobindo. In philosophy of Sri Aurobindo it is possible to distinguish three series of problems and three complexes of ideas. First and foremost it is his philosophy of national and social liberation of India, Asia, and the whole world. This philosophy is rebel- lious, revolutionary, partly even frankly military. In the second place it is his philosophy of internal, spiritual, introspective release from mental limitations, power of senses and pow- er of material determinism. This philosophy is closely related to the internal introversion, yoga and meditation practices. And, finally, it is his original philosophy of history. He cor- rected and specified the articles from the philosophy of history in the last period of his life, in the forties of the 20th century. These articles entered his book «The human cycle».

The historiosophic constructions of Sri Aurobindo are interesting because he consid- ers in them s the individual and universal evolution from the sociological and psychological point of view. Aurobindo examines in an evolutional context the cycles of the history of human societies, the modern state and prospects of human community.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Kihno

Candidate of sciences (Philology), senior scientific researcher of the Department of the History of Philosophy of Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine. Sphere of scientific interests — religious philosophy, historiography, the philosophy of culture.


Satprem (1989). Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness. [In Russian] Leningrad: PH of the Leningrad university. [=Сатпрем 1989]

Sri Aurobindo Ghose (1992). The Human Cycle. [In Russian] Kazan': New Age. [= Шри Ауробиндо Гхош 1992]

Teilhard de Chardin, P. (1987). The Phenomenon of Man. [In Russian] Moscow: Science. [= Тейяр де Шарден 1987]


Abstract views: 250



How to Cite

Kihno, O. (2020). Concepts of Freedom in Philoso- phy of Sri Aurobindo: Articles: The History of Philosophy. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 35–48. Retrieved from






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