GLOBALIZATION AND SINGULARITY: transformation of the foundations of modern society




globalization, society, reality, humanity, singularity, network, information power, discourse, meaning


The article is devoted to the transformations of society in the era of globalization. The global world is seen as a consequence of the successful implementation of the world-historical the Project of Modernity. Its completion results in the loss of its intellectual authority and historical effective- ness. The principal quality of contemporary society became its globality. The paradoxical phe- nomenon of the world, that had ceased to be a reality, became an integrative shape of the global transformations. Visibility took the privileged place here. The degradation of reality is analyzed in its main forms: dematerialization of reality; decline and destruction of human sensory experience; destruction of the alive contacts with living beings and the capacity to empathize with somebody; the loss of the space of the human existence space features of a stable, predictable, structured se- mantic order. The consequence of that is the destruction of the foundations of the communities and society as a whole, which is fixed by the notion of their «vagueness». The correlation to this social metamorphosis is a new anthropological format — the singularity, which provides for the theoretical abolition of identity as a way for defining a man. It means the loss of an individual’s predictability and its determination as a social character. The network is the way through which the singularities interact, and swarms are the natural form of their association. Swarm is a histor- ically new, unstructured, but subordinated to common impulses union, which consists of points of activity of different intensity. The analysis of society is incomplete without taking into account its discursive-communicative nature. In the global world there is a decline in the discourses. The signs of that process are the lack of legitimacy in classical instances of the meaning (truth, good, beauty, etc.), the degeneration of thinking into mixing, changing criteria of significance (dominance of curiosity and impression), social degradation of the media. The main feature of these changes is the latest phenomenon of information power (the power of depersonalized in- formation space and information technology — those modes of circulation and use of informa- tion that became a determining factor in human life in the globalized world).

Author Biographies

Serhii Proleiev

Habilitated, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Culture, Ethics, and Aesthetics, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Viktoria Shamrai

PhD, Research Fellow at the Department of Social Philosophy, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Proleiev, S., & Shamrai, V. (2020). GLOBALIZATION AND SINGULARITY: transformation of the foundations of modern society. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 87–116.






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