Whether the general brain theory is already existing, or How does the phenomenon of information explain mind-body

Analytics of subjectivity and intersubjectivity





attributive properties of objective reality, Mind & Body Problem, subjectivity, information, brain neural networks, “bottom-up causality”, “top-down causality”, freedom of choice, from-within causality


Since Descartes “separation” of the Soul from the Body, we observe a complete confusion in their causal, functional, and semiotic relationships. However, in modern knowledge (about the informational activity of the human brain, the functional and causal properties of its neural networks, the functions of psychic phenomena during the processing of infor- mation in it, about the causal “ability” of information) it is time to put an end to this problem. Here, in order to explain what I am talking about, I will use the notion of “information” (which had been unknown by Descartes) regarding the “dispute” between Mind & Body (the Physicality and the Mentality) for “the right” to be a more fundamental ontology of Reality. I will do this by introducing an “arbitrator” — the Objective Reality. This goal is achieved through the study of information activity of the human brain. In the process of this study, it turns out that the information activity of the brain in principle cannot be carried out without mental phenomena.

That is, it turns out that the classical physical causality, which operates in the neural networks of the brain, is not able, by itself, without mental phenomena, to implement the information operations that the human brain actually performs. It also turns out that the functional inclusion of mental phenomena (at least, the phenomena of subjective evaluation and mental images) in the neurophysiologic (by and large, physical) activity of the brain explains the pos- sibility and necessity of functional inclusion in this information processing the phenomenon of freedom of choice. After all, the processing information in the brain through mental phenomena allows more than one degree of freedom than it is “allowed” by any physical process.

Author Biography

Oleg Solovyov

Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor, Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University, 39600, 20, Pershotravneva Street


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How to Cite

Solovyov, O. (2021). Whether the general brain theory is already existing, or How does the phenomenon of information explain mind-body: Analytics of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 58–77. https://doi.org/10.15407/fd2020.06.058






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