Volodymyr Shynkaruk: I am, so I think


  • Viktor Kozlovsky National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”


Volodymyr Shynkaruk, classical German philosophy, Kant, Hegel, Marxist, dogmatism, person, worldview, world


The article examines the philosophical views of V. Shynkaruk who was the head of the Institute of Philosophy for over thirty years. The author studies the conceptual prerequisites of the formation of philosophical views of V. Shynkaruk, particularly, the study of local researchers of the classical German philosophy, especially the works by Kant and Hegel. Special emphasis is laid on establishing the worldview problem and its innovative potential in the context of Marxist philosophy. The article analyzes the concepts and categories that enabled ideological direction of philosophizing; it clears up the crucial role of Shynkaruk in the study of the world phenomenon, attitude to the world, worldview structure, as well as distinction of ideology, scientific knowledge and worldview.

Author Biography

Viktor Kozlovsky, National University “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”

candidate of sciences in philosophy, assistant professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religion Study


Shynkaruk, V.I. (1964). Logika, dialektika I teoriya poznaniya Gegelya (Problema tozhdestva logiki, dialektiki i teorii poznaniya Gegelia) [Logic, dialectics and theory of knowledge by Hegel (Problem of identity of logic, dialectics and theory of knowledge by Hegel)], Iz datelstvo Kievskogo universiteta, Kiev, Ukraine.

Shynkaruk, V.I. (1974). Teoria poznania, logika i dialektika I. Kanta (I. Kant kak rodonachalnik nemetskoi klassicheskoi filosofii) [Theory of knowledge, logic and dialectics by I. Kant (I. Kant as a father of German classical philosophy)], Naukova dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.

Shynkaruk, V.I. (1977). “Introduction. Philosophy and worldview”, Chelovek i mir cheloveka. Kategorii “chelovek” i “mir cheloveka” v sisteme nauchnogo mirovozzrenia, Ed. by V.I. Shynkaruk, Naukova dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.

Shynkaruk, V.I., Bulatov, M.A. (1975). “Social and theoretical preconditions of formation of Kant’s philosophy”, Kriticheskie ocherki po filosofii Kanta. Ed by M.A. Bulatov, V.G. Tabachkovsky, A.I. Yatsenko, Naukova dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.


Abstract views: 251



How to Cite

Kozlovsky, V. (2017). Volodymyr Shynkaruk: I am, so I think. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 67–75. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/56



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