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dreams, experience, consciousness, I, Other, Stranger


The article focuses on justifying the relevance of a phenomenological approach to the study of dreams, as well as outlining directions for such research. The author views the experience gained by a person in a dream as something that can be brought into existentia.The article illustrates that although dreams cannot be the object of reflection in real time,

they become a moment of consciousness when (and if) they remain in memory. Visually or emotionally vivid dreams can remain in a person’s memory on par with memories of real events. At the same time, a clear distinction is maintained between events from the dream and those that occurred in reality.The author interprets dreams as a component of individual experience and at the same time as an element of the intersubjective world. The intersubjectivity of the dream experience is determined by the universality of certain psychological experiences and bodily experiences associated

with sleep and dreaming, as well as by the universality of certain motifs that occur in dreams. The work analyzes the categories of “I”, “Other”, and “Stranger” in the context of dream research. The author concludes that dreams, as a component of experience and an element of the intersubjective world, can serve as a point of intersection of experiences. Thus, through dreams, the I opens up to the Other, resulting in the emergence of new meanings. Dreams are interpreted as a situation where the I discovers the Other and the Stranger within itself. After all, by receiving the text of a dream, the I thereby receives the result of its own unconscious creativity. The author illustrates this process through the metaphor of a message in a bottle that is washed ashore on the island of consciousness by the waves of the eternal tide of the unconscious. The author explores states of consciousness that are somehow related to sleep, namely drowsiness, fantasy, and insomnia. Thus, drowsiness is considered as a borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, fantasy — as a likeness of a dream in reality, and insomnia — as a sharp desire to temporarily free oneself from the burden of existentia.

Author Biography


PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professorat the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Odessa State University of Internal Affairs,1, Uspenska St., Odesa, 65014


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Abstract views: 199



How to Cite

NIVNIA, H. (2023). PHENOMENOLOGY OF DREAMING: A PHILOSOPHICAL SKETCH: Young Scientist’s Page. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 150–158.



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