


historical and philosophical studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv Theological Academy (1819-1924), Kyivan spiritual and academic philosophy of the early twentieth century, cultural approach in historical and philosophical studies, theoretical philosophy in the early twentieth century KTA, historical and philosophical studies in the early twentieth century KTA


The article is devoted to the analysis of research on the philosophical heritage of the Kyiv Theological Academy of the early twentieth century at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. The experience of this particular institution in studying the philosophical heritage of the Kyiv Theological Academy of the early twentieth century, which began to be comprehended in Ukraine only in the 1990s due to the taboo of this issue in the Soviet period, is interesting both for its systematic nature (it goes back about 30 years) and for the wide range of research, due to the novelty of the subject of historical and philosophical research and the large source base that needed to be processed (books, journal and newspaper publications, archival materials). The article also focuses on the fact that the study of philosophy at the Kyiv Theological Academy of the early twentieth century takes place at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, which simultaneously studies the theological heritage of the Kyiv Theological Academy of this period and, in particular, the history of ancient and German classical philosophy, which were the focus of the scientific interests of the professors of the Kyiv Theological Academy.

The analysis of the corpus of historical and philosophical publications by the specialists of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy allows us to represent the main spectrum of directions of their study of the philosophical heritage of the Kyiv Theological Academy of the early twentieth century, namely

  • comprehension and articulation of the basic methodological principles of research (in particular, cultural, biographical and source studies approaches);
  • reconstruction of the peculiarities of teaching philosophical disciplines at the Kyiv Theological Academy;
  • analysis of the topics and specifics of philosophical research at the KTA;
  • study of the philosophical heritage of individual personalities, taking into account biographical, institutional, cultural and historical contexts.

In addition to a substantive analysis of the scientific achievements of the NaUKMA specialists, highlighting the main directions of their study of the philosophical heritage of the Kyiv Theological Academy of the early twentieth century, the article also examines the fundamental two-volume encyclopedia ‘Kyiv Theological Academy in Names: 1819-1924’.

Author Biography


Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of History of Philosophy in Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine, 4, Triokhsviatytelska St., Kyiv, 01001


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