Institute of Philosophy in intellectual biography of Vilen Horskyi


  • Maryna Tkachuk National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”


H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vilen Horsky, history of Ukrainian philosophy


The article is dedicated to 70th anniversary of the H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine, as well as 85th anniversary of Vilen Horsky (1931–2007), a renowned Ukrainian scientist, a prominent organizer of philosophical science and education, doctor of sciences in philosophy, professor, Honored Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine, an extraordinary individual, who embodied the best features of a true intellectual. While analyzing V.S. Horsky’s activities as one of the lead scientists of Institute of Philosophy between 1963–1992, the author stresses the milestones of his academic career as well as considerable influence of the institute environment on his professional development, while also highlighting the most important results of his historical and philosophical studies of Soviet era in the field of history of Ukrainian philosophy and the study of methodological problems of historical and philosophical cognition. The most attention is given to V.S. Horsky’s role in the development of cultural approach to the study of history of philosophy (as well as the notion of “philosophical culture”) and also in the development of Ukrainian historical and philosophical medieval studies.

Author Biography

Maryna Tkachuk, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

doctor of sciences in philosophy, professor, Honored Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities


Horsky, V.S. (1984). A notion of “philosophical culture” in the history of philosophical and public thought of the people of USSR. [In Russian]. In: M.T. Iovchuk (Ed.). Dialectics of international and national in the development of public thought (pp. 116–124). [In Russian]. Kishinev: Shtiintsa.

Horsky, V.S. (2001). Philosophy in Ukrainian culture: (methodology and history): Philosophical essays. [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Centre of practical philosophy.

Horsky, V.S. (2011). Something about story with history of philosophy (Subjective reflections upon the anniversary). [In Ukrainian]. In: M.L. Tkachuk (Ed.), Vilen Horsky: touches, meanings, contemplantions (pp. 288–310). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group.

Vilen Horsky’s interview with Yuri Zavhorodniy (2011). [In Ukrainian]. In: M.L. Tkachuk (Ed.), Vilen Horsky: touches, meanings, contemplantions (pp. 259–279). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group.

Tkachuk, M. L. (2011). Vilen Horsky: on the path to himself. [In Ukrainian]. In: M.L. Tkachuk (Ed.), Vilen Horsky: touches, meanings, contemplantions (pp. 9–40). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group.

Tkachuk, M.L., Yurinets, Ya.I. Heritage of Vilen Horsky (1931–2007): a bibliography. In: M.L. Tkachuk (Ed.), Vilen Horsky: touches, meanings, contemplantions (pp. 317–384). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group.

Franko, I.Ja. (1986). Philosophical works. In: I.Ja. Franko. Collection of works in 50 volumes (Vol. 45). [In Ukrainian]. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.


Abstract views: 286



How to Cite

Tkachuk, M. (2017). Institute of Philosophy in intellectual biography of Vilen Horskyi. Filosofska Dumka, (6), 113–121. Retrieved from



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