Legitimacy and Violence (On the Imaginary of Political Power)
Ключові слова:
political legitimacy, violence, state institutions, imaginaries of political power, authoritarian governingАнотація
The main goal of the article is to show the formation of cultural-historical and philosophical-legal preconditions of political legitimacy. Also it deals with the correlation of the state governing and political recognition, violence and legitimation technologies, state institutions, and the imaginaries of political power. Special attention is given to the manipulative electoral sociology in the process of the authoritarian government establishment.Посилання
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Robespierre, M. (s.a.). Discours sur le jugement de Louis XVI 1ère intervention prononcé à la tribune de la Convention le 3 décembre 1792. Retrieved from: http://membres.multimania.fr/discours/louis1.htm.
Rorty, R. (1999). Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambrige (UK): Cambrige University Press.
Rosanvallon, P. (2009). Democratic Legitimacy. [In Ukrainian]. Tr. from French by Ye. Ma ri chev (p. 12). Kyiv: Kyiv Mohyla Academy.
Tocqueville, A. de. (1986). De la democratie en Amerique. Paris: Gallimard.
Weber, M. (1990). Politics as a Vocation. In: Weber, M. Selected works. [In Russian]. Tr. from German by М. Levina, A. Philippov, P. Gaidenko. Moscow: Progress.
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Завантажень: 141
Переглядів анотації: 368
Як цитувати
Bilyi, O. (2017). Legitimacy and Violence (On the Imaginary of Political Power). Філософська думка, (2), 90–104. вилучено із https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/277
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