Definitely Maybe: the Realm of Perspective & Truth in Jainism
Articles: The History of Philosophy
Ключові слова:
Jainism, anekantavada, multi-perspective, ultimate /partial truthАнотація
One of the central doctrines of Jainism is anekantavada, the idea that reality is many-fac- eted. It means that no point of view or perception can be a complete truth but can only be considered a partial truth. And since reality is complex, no single proposition can express the nature of reality fully. So the author argues that the structure of the Jain doctrine of relativity suggests a way of living in which the ability to see things from different viewpoints is an integral gateway to understanding reality. Summarizing, the author concludes that Jainism does not seek to provide a concrete doctrine of what IS ultimate truth but rather a doctrine that provides a PATH toward the ultimate truth.
Blake, W. (2016). Marriage of Heaven and Hell: and a Song of Liberty (Classic Reprint). Forgotten Books.
Dundas, P. (2016). The Jains. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd.
Jaini, P. S.(2014). The Jaina Path of Purification. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd. Long, J. (2015). Jainism: An Introduction. I.B. Tauris.
Puligandla, R. (2008). Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy. D.K. Printworld, Ltd. Radhakrishnan, S., Moore, C. (1967). A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Princeton University
Press.Turnbull, C. (1961) The Forest People. Simon and Schuster.
Завантажень: 272
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