Skovoroda’s text “Ubuždešsja, viděša slavu ego”: biblical quotations and patristical homiletics tradition as an indication of its rhetorical function


  • Maria Gracia Bartolini Міланський державний університет


biblical quotations, transfiguration, liturgy, Byzantine homiletics


Skovoroda’s text “Ubuždešsja, viděša slavu ego” [hereafter UV] was published for the first time in 1894 in the collection of Skovoroda’s works edited by Dmytro Bahalij, who defined them as an introduction to the Catechism classes held by the writer at Kharkiv College. UV bears no date, but its graphic, morphological and phonetic features can place it between the late 1750’s — early 1760’s. After a comprehensive linguistic revision, UV was included in Skovoroda’s last work “Dialog, imja emu Potop zmiin” (1791) as its concluding section (“O Preobraženii”). Although its rhetorical function remains open to discussion, in our paper we demonstrate that the liturgical function of its biblical quotations suggests that it might have been conceived as a catechetical instruction on the liturgical feast of the Transfiguration. We will also attempt a comparative analysis of the biblical quotations incorporated within UV and those featured in the Byzantine sermons dedicated to the feast of the Transfiguration (John Chrysostomus, John of Damascus, Andrew of Crete, Gregorius Palamas).

Author Biography

Maria Gracia Bartolini, Міланський державний університет

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How to Cite

Bartolini, M. G. (2017). Skovoroda’s text “Ubuždešsja, viděša slavu ego”: biblical quotations and patristical homiletics tradition as an indication of its rhetorical function. Filosofska Dumka, (5), 73–87. Retrieved from



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