On the concept of calling



the call, phenomenon of calling, professional choice, teaching, lived experience, motivation, responding, self-actualization, social benefit, transcendence, goodness, aim, being


The initially religious concept of calling formed in Hebrew and Christian tradition has been secularized starting from the Reformation to its present identification with professional activity which is reflected in modern languages such as German or English. The contemporary western scholars, in particular J. VanOosting, urge to distinguish between the professional and the vocational choice. According to other researcher, J. Bigham, calling is attached mainly to «spiritual» motivation. Accomplished by the author of the article research of opinions of Ukrainian school-leaving youth, pedagogics students and teachers in 2016 showed the importance of the idea of calling for them. As a result of the study the phenomenon of calling was empirically operationalized as a complex of motivating factors: Passion — Abilities — Realization — Goodness (or Benefit). The structural integrity of calling experience is set by the factor of aim. The following definition is formulated: calling is a meaningful unity of desires, abilities, their realization and evaluation according to understanding of the aim of personal, social or transcendent goodness. The question about application of Aristotle’s notion of “entelechia”, ἐντελέχεια, for the understanding of calling is offered for further discussion. The direction of the following phenomenological analyses of calling is considered, in particular, in the research of the phenomena of call and responding.

Author Biography

Yevhen Muliarchuk, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of sciences in philosophy, senior research fellow


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How to Cite

Muliarchuk, Y. (2017). On the concept of calling. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 94–106. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/285



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