The phenomenon of call: voices and silence in the experience of calling




calling, call, voice, silence, sensing of oneself, existential truth, responsibility


The article deals with the analysis of the experience of calling in the existential and phenomenological aspects. The phenomenon of call revealed in the experience of sensing and understanding of human being towards the world and as an event of a personal existence. The study proves that calling responds to the human need of going over the limits of own self towards the co-existence with people, serving the life-work and the ideals. The author analyses the problem of existential and religious truth.

The research discovers the meaning of voices and silence in the phenomenal field of calling. Analyzed the difference between the vocal and visual experience, between the feeling and seeing, the necessity of organization of a sound being in human self-consciousness. The meaning of silence is explicated as an internal space of human experience. Silence is researched as an existential phenomenon,  as a special mood making possible for a personality to experience the fullness of being. Silence is revealed as an existential dimension of the origin of language, of the voice of conscience and as a reality of the experience of responsibility of a personality. Therefore, in silence takes place sensing of oneself and occurs the revelation of a call for a person.

Author Biography

Yevhen Muliarchuk

Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher at the Philosophy of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics Department of the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy NAS of Ukraine


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Abstract views: 394



How to Cite

Muliarchuk, Y. (2020). The phenomenon of call: voices and silence in the experience of calling. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 93–103.



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