Civil self-determination and civil ethos



  • Yevhen Muliarchuk


civil society, civil self-determination, social identity, national community, culture, civilization, ethos, moral virtues


Civil self-determination is analyzed in the article as a complex of social orientation and activities of people aimed on inter-personal and social benefits. Chief factors of civil con- sciousness forming were examined as well as contradictions and specificity of that process in Ukraine and contemporary world. Among the other forms of social identity civil self- determination is considered as determined by social norms and values, national culture as well as by universal ethical values.

The author develops the ethos approach to the analysis of civil society virtues formation and examines the complex of ethnic-national, social-political and civilizational factors of civil self-determination. In the discussion about national and civilizational grounds of civil self-determination the author takes up the position of universal civilizational values. The author considers self-determination in the society as a process of building of hierarchy of values spread from the values of freedom, self-actualization, pluralism, regarding of other citizens to responsibility of a personality for own community and for the whole mankind.

Author Biography

Yevhen Muliarchuk

Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher at the Philosophy of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics Department of the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy NAS of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Muliarchuk, Y. (2020). Civil self-determination and civil ethos: SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. Filosofska Dumka, (3), 79–89. Retrieved from



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