The voice of Church: axiological dimensions of religious rhetoric on Maidan 2013—2014


  • Liudmyla Fylypovych H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine
  • Oksana Horkusha H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine


dignity, church, social consciousness, transformation of values, articulation of values, personal consciousness, consciousness of believers


The authors analyze the axiological dimensions of religious rhetoric on Maidan 2013—2014. There were different denominations united by common locus of existential and historical situation, as well as by mental context. The churches articulated common axiological values which were read adequately by Maidan participants. Event coincidence of metaphysic-existential vector of the correlation “God–Man” and socio-historical vector — modern Ukraine on the way to the future — led to the fact that we can talk about “The Voice of the Church” as the articulation of common spiritual values that affect on worldviews of a person and people in general.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Fylypovych, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine

doctor of sciences (philosophy), professor, head of the Department of Philosophy and the History of Religion, Section of Religious Studies

Oksana Horkusha, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NAS of Ukraine

candidate of sciences (philosophy), senior research fellow at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Religion, Section of Religious Studies


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Abstract views: 293



How to Cite

Fylypovych, L., & Horkusha, O. (2017). The voice of Church: axiological dimensions of religious rhetoric on Maidan 2013—2014. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 87–103. Retrieved from



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