Speech and empathy in the social thinking of a human. Philosophic-anthropologic approach


  • Anatolii Loy journal “Filosofska dumka” (Philosophic Thought)


speech, empathy, social thinking, responsible thinking


Modern investigations in the philosophic anthropology are characterized by combining various approaches. In the modern evolutional anthropology, which is based on biological principles of speaking activity, speech acquires the sense of institutional actuality. Problems of empathy and sympathy are tangential to the theme of speech. The phenomenon of empathy may be considered as the output, basic element of social thinking, inherent in a man and in anthropoids as a whole. The readiness to react to behavior of a person on such a basis gives a necessary chance for survival. At the same time, being imbued with the initial intention of sympathy, people unintentionally and nonobviously are disposed to significance of things, importance of surrounding people, their relations, thoughts, cultural possessions, etc. Making the exchange of ideas, concerning things and events, possible, speech thus prompts people to “responsible thinking”. Thus, owing to speech, sociality is always present in our thinking.

Author Biography

Anatolii Loy, journal “Filosofska dumka” (Philosophic Thought)

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, member of the Editorial Board


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Abstract views: 3549



How to Cite

Loy, A. (2018). Speech and empathy in the social thinking of a human. Philosophic-anthropologic approach. Filosofska Dumka, (4), 47–65. Retrieved from https://dumka.philosophy.ua/index.php/fd/article/view/291



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